Our Services

Our Vision

We aspire to be an excellent and leading scientific and dental powerhouse both locally and globally.

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Our Message

Our Faculty pursues to play a leading role to fulfill the needs and improve the status of society health by founding an educational and research environment capable of creating dentists that are committed to the Faculty values and are ...

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1- Preparation and qualification of excellent dentists having distinct professionalism and ability to provide the society with the best dental services and health care and are committed to supreme humanitarian values inspired from the ...

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A word by the dean of faculty of Dentistry

       Oral and dental health care represents the cornerstone of the right build-up of individual and community health. Up to a short period ago; that sector has suffered ,as the other health sectors, from ignorance due to the direction of country incomes and capabilities away from all what achieves prosperity & flourish of its patient, oppressed people. As a result; no one cared to find a sufficient number of dental colleges to provide the society with its needs of competent dentists. So; until nearly three decades ago; there were only two Colleges of Dentistry; ...

College Staff

Lect Ahmed Yacoub Ibrahim Al-Assdi

Master Law

Lect Ahmed Yacoub Ibrahim Al-Assdi

Master Law

Assist. Prof. Dr Samer Majeed Mohammed khadum Al-Nasrawy

PhD Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Assist. Prof. Dr Samer Majeed Mohammed khadum Al-Nasrawy

PhD Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Assist. Lect كمال صاحب مزعل علي ال عوفي

Master Dentistry

Assist. Lect كمال صاحب مزعل علي ال عوفي

Master Dentistry

Assist. Lect رامي محمد جواد عبد الله جواد الاسدي

Master Arabic Language

Assist. Lect رامي محمد جواد عبد الله جواد الاسدي

Master Arabic Language




تعلن جامعة العميد عن حاجتها لتعيين الاختصاصات العلمية الموضحة في أدناه على ملاكاها التدريسي في كلية طب الأسنان، فمن تتوفر فيه الرغبة والشروط المطلوبة تقديم سيرته العلمية و الذاتية إلى عمادة كلية طب الأسنان يومياً من الساعة الثامنة صباحاً ولغاية ...


طلبة المراحل الثانية والخامسة في كلية طب الأسنان بجامعة العميد يؤدون امتحاناتهم الفصلية للفصل الثاني

بإشراف عمادة كلية طب الأسنان في جامعة العميد، أدى طلبتنا الأعزاء في المراحل الثانية والخامسة بكلية طب الأسنان امتحاناتهم الفصلية للفصل الثاني اليوم الأحد الموافق (٢٠٢٢/٤/٢٤) والتي جرت في القاعات الامتحانية للكلية، بحضور أساتذة وتدريسيي المواد ...


The College of Dentistry at Al-Ameed University continues to offer an intensive course program

Under the direction of the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Muayad Al-Ghazali, and the supervision of the Dean of the College of Dentistry, Professor Basem Muteb Zwain, the faculty of the faculty continues to give intensive courses for ...

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