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Al-ameed University Council holds its third session for the new academic year 2021-2022 AD

2/8/2022 3:15 AM 2825

Al-ameed’s University Council held its third session for the new academic year 2021-2022 on Tuesday morning, corresponding to (2/8/2022), headed by the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Muayyad Al-Ghazali, the assistants and the rest of the council members, to discuss a number of scientific, administrative and financial matters for the university and its faculties The topics of the session included a discussion and presentation of the scientific, administrative and financial plans of the university and its faculties, as well as a discussion of the progress of the final exams in attendance for the first semester of the new year for students of our university’s faculties and their organization and completion of the scientific material for them, lectures, lessons, requirements of study plans and follow-up of the performance of teachers in them, raising the issue of attracting scientific teaching competencies Arab and foreign nationals from inside and outside the country to work as teachers in the university’s faculties, in addition to completing scientific promotions for a number of professors and teachers of faculties and emphasizing the permanence of publishing qualitative scientific research and its continuity, which reflects positively on the university’s scientific position and leadership in its hierarchy within the ministerial and international classifications The Council also discussed, during its session today, the subject of the financial regulation for the wages of university employees, an explanation of its controls and details for the purpose of approval, and the medical and societal initiatives that the university intends to adopt in the future media_and relations University_of_Alameed

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