- الشهادات:
- الاختصاص:
- الاختصاص الدقيق:
- اللقب العلمي:
- السيرة الذاتية:
- دكتوراه
- طب
- امراض - فايروسات
- أستاذ دكتور
الاسم: أ. د. عبد الحميد خالد خضير العلوان Khadhair Abdul-Hameed Dr. Prof.
دكتوراه - فايروسات - جامعة ماكيل- كندا 1983 Virology in Ph.D. ماجستير- فايروسات- جامعة ماكيل- كندا 1979 Virology in MSc مابعد الدكتور– تشخيص المايكوبلازما- جامعة البرتا- Post-Doc1994
دبلوم قي شبكات الانترنت- كلية التقنيات في كندا –البرتا- 2003 CDI
College, Diploma in Networking Security
أدارة الاعمال الصغيرة )المكاتب الاستشارية( - كندا– البرتا-
Microbusiness Management Diploma 2005
دورات تدريبية مكثفة في مجال حماية البيئة في جامعة البرتا كندا
Intensive Courses on the Environmental Protection and Environmental Impact Assistance in the University of Alberta Canada as described later in this CV
الشهادات العلمية: -
اللغات التي اجيدها Languages : الانكليزية والعربية English and Arabic
المواد الدراسية التي يمكن تدريسها: فايروسات VirologyوMycology فطريات وعلم
البكتريا Bactetioĺogy والاحياء االمجهرية Microbiologyومصطلحات طبية Medical
واخلاق Medicnal Plants الطبية والنباتات المناعة علمImmunology وTerminology
المهنةEthics Medical الطبية وادارة المختبرات الطبيةLaboratoy ..Medical
التخصص الثاني: التلوث البيئي Pollution -Environmental بالتدريب باخذ 12 كورس
والممارسة 7 سنوات - البرتا- كندا وقمت بتدريس أغلب مواد التلوث البيئي في قسم الصحة البيئية لكلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية في جامعة كربلاء
التشكرات: أكثرمن 30 كتاب شكر ضمنها: كتاب شكر من وزير التعليم العالي للحصول على معامل نشرH-index البحوث عالميا بدرجة 14 حسب الكوكل سكولر Scholar Google
المرتبة العلمية الحالية: أستاذ من جامعة البرتا في كندا منذ 2004
Employment History (English part is underneath) :الوظيفي التاريخ
ايلول 2020 – اب ..2024أستاذ تدريسي- قسم التقنيات الطبية – كلية الزهراوي –كربلاء كانون الثاني 2020 تقاعد من الخدمة الوظيفية
كانون الاول 2011 - :2019 )كفاءات عائدة( أستاذ تدريس الفايروسات الطبية والتلوث البيئي رئيس قسم صحة البيئة ) (2012 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء
-2004 :2010 عالم باحث – جامعة البرتا – ادمنتون – كندا 1995 – :2004 عالم باحث – مجلس البحث العلمي- البرتا - كندا 1993 – :1994 دراسة ما بعد الدكتوراه في جامعة البرتا – كندا -1991 :1993 استاذ مساعد – جامعة عمر المختار – ليبيا 1988 – :1990 استاذ مساعد – جامعة صلاح الدين – اربيل 1984 – :1988 مدرس – جامعة الموصل - نينوى
شهادات مشاركة بدورات تدريبية
أدناه االمواضيع والمشاركات التدريبية التي تم التسجيل عليها والحصول على وثائق مشاركة كندية فييها
- المشاركة في 9 دورات تديبية بين العامين 2009-2007 في المواضيع التالية
- أدارة المشاريع البيئية : مايس 2009 قسم الارشاد البيئي/الصحي , جامعة البرتا/ كندا
- تقييم الاثر البيئي: نيسان 2009 فسم الارشاد البيئي/الصحي , جامعة البرتا/ كندا
- ـقنيات استصلاح المواقع : نيسان 2009 قسم الارشاد البيئي/الصحي , جامعة البرتا /كندا
- أشكال الماء الارضي في المواقع الملوثة: شباط -9 11 , 2009 باشراف جمعية
الخدمات البيئية , أدمنتون , كندا
- أنقاذ الترب المالحة : 10 شباط 2010 باشراف جمعية الخدمات البيئية , أدمنتون , كندا
- معالجة الاعفان في البنايات10. شباط 2009 جمعبة الخدمات اليئية , البرتا , كندا
Employment History (academic and administrative experience)
September 2020- 2024: after retirement, faculty member in Alzahrawy University, Dept. of Medical Technologies and Disease Diagnosis,
Retirement on January 1st, 2020
November 1, 2011- December 2019, Dept. of Environmental Health, College of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Karbalaa, Iraq. Between Dec. 2011 - Dec. 2012, Chairman of the Department of Environmental Health.
July 2006- October 2011: Manager, A.H.K. Environmental & Technology Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (This private job was self-employment after working hours, in the weekends and holidays).
June 2004- August 2010: Research Scientist, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Alberta.
October 2003- Sept. 2004: Diploma study on “Network and
Internet Technology”, CDI College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
April 1997- Nov. 2002: Research Scientist and Project leader, Alberta Research Council, Alberta, Canada.
June 1995-March 1997: Research Scientist, Alberta Environmental Center, Vegreville, Alberta, Canada.
April 1994- May 1995: Research Associate, Dept. of Agr., Food and Nutritional Science; Edmonton, University of Alberta, Canada.
Oct.1993-March 1994: Research Associate, Dept. of Plant Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
1991-1993: Assist. Prof., Dept. of Biology, Omar Al-Mukhatar University, Libya.
1988-1991: Assist. Prof., Dept. of Biology, Salahaddin University, Iraq.
1984-1988: Lecturer and researcher, Mosul University, Iraq.
Degrees and Certificates:
Nine certificates for nine environmental-related courses between 2007-2009 from University of Alberta, Environmental Services Society of Alberta (ESSA) and Alberta Municipal Affairs and Housing and Environmental Canada (as described below)
Certificate in Micro-Business: May-October 2007 in the School of Micro-business Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Certificate in Network and Internet Security, Sept. 2003-Sept. 2004, CDI College, South Campus, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Post-Doctorate in Molecular Biology, 1994-1995, University of Alberta, Canada.
Ph.D. in Virology, 1983, McGill University, Canada
M.Sc. in Virology, 1979, McGill University, Canada.
B.Sc. in plant science, 1974, Mosul University, Iraq.
Environmental-related Training Courses:
Environmental Project Management, May 2009, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Environmental Impact Assessment, April 2009, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Remediation Technologies, April 2009, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Introduction to Using Groundwater Models in Contaminated Site Assessment and Remediation Design, Feb.11-12, 2009, Environmental Services Society of Alberta (ESSA), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Salt-Damaged Soil Recovery, Feb. 10, 2009, Edmonton, Environmental Services Society of Alberta,. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Mold Abatement offered by ESSA, Feb. 27-28, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Environmental Auditing offered by ESSA, Feb 26, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Oil-Tank Site Remediation program offered by Alberta Municipal Affairs and Housing between March 25-27, 2007; second training June 9-10, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
An Orientation course in the Canadian Environmental Act provided by Environment Canada, Feb. 2007, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Teaching Experience: The teaching experience include the following courses:
Graduate courses: Advance Virology, Vectors of Viruses and Mycoplasma-like Organisms, Special Research Topics using Molecular Techniques.
Undergraduate Courses: General Virology, Medical Virology, Medical Terminology, Immunology, Microbiology, General Environmental Sciences, Environmental Project Management, Bioremediation, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Legislation, Molecular Biology, Medical Laboratory Management, Biological Instrumentations and Microtechniques.
Total Publications: about 27 research publication in referred international journals and 33 presentations in conferences and 13 seminar presentation as a keynote speaker
عدد البحوث المنشورةPublications :Refreed 27 بحث في مجلات علمية عالمية عدد البحوث كمساهمات في مؤتمرات علمية في كندا وخارجها: أكثر من 33 بحث معامل النشر العالمي :H-Index 14
القاء محاضرات في ندوات علمية:
.1 كلية الزهراوي10/3/2022... ...اسنخدامات الاعشاب الطبية والطب البديل لتجنب المواد الكيمياوية الصيدلانية..
.2 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء: الندوة العلمية السنوية لقسم الصحة البيئية )أسرار الغذاء في حياتنا الصحية/ تاثير استخدام الاوعية البلاستيكية والمايكرويف في السلامة الصحية( في 2019/3/27
.3 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء: الندوة العلمية لقسم الصحة البيئية )استخدامات الطب البديل/ ألقيمة الغذاية والمكونات الفعالة في النباتات الطبية( في 2018/3/28
.4 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء: الندوة العلمية لقسم الصحة البيئية )الامراض المتوطنة والانتقالية في المجتمع/ الفايروسات وبائياتها وانتشارها في العراق( في
.5 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء: الندوة العلمية )شحة المياه والسلامة الصحية( في 2017/3/22
.6 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء: الندوة العلمية الخاصة عن التدخين بتاريخ 2016/12/13 )التدخينالتدخين سلاح قاتل: أنواعه ومركباته(
.7 كلية الطب البيطري – جامعة كربلاء: الندوة العلمية السنوية الخامسة يوم 22 نيسان 2015
)أثر استخدامات الأوعية البلاستكية والمايكروويف على سلامة الأغذية والصحة العامة.(
.8 كلية التربية – جامعة كربلاء: ورشة العمل الخاصة ببيئة كربلاء )سلامة البيئة من الملوثات حماية لحياة سليمة( في نيسان 2014
.9 كلية العلوم - الجامعة المستنصرية: الندوة الخاصة لاساتذة وطلبة الدراسات العليا عنوان المحاضرة )البحث العلمي من الفرضية الى النشر( في 2013/3/18
.10 كلية طب الاسنان – الجامعة المستنصرية: الندوة العلمية لقسم العلوم الاساسية )التلوث البيئي واثاره السلبية في الواقع العراقي( في 2013/4/3
.11 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء: الندوة العلمية البيئية الموسومة )التلوث البيئي واثره على الصحة والامن الغذائي( في 2013/4/15
.12 كلية العلوم – الجامعة المستنصرية: المؤتمر العلمي السنوي والمحاضرة بعنوان )تقييم واقع التلوث البيئي العراقي والاستفادة من خبرات الدول المتقدمة( في 2013/4/20
.13 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء: الندوة العلمية البيئية الموسومة )حماية البيئة مسؤولية الدولة والمواطن( في 2013/10/3
.14 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء: ورشة العمل للعاملين في مستشفيات كربلاء )الاصابات العرضية في المستشفيات ( في 2012/2/12
.15 كلية الصيدلة – جامعة بغداد: الندوة العلمية السنوية وعنوان المحاضرة )أثر الواقع البيئي في العراق على الحياة اليومية( في 2012/5/19
.16 كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية – جامعة كربلاء: الندوة العلمية البيئية )التلوث البيئي وتاثيراته المستقبلية( في 2012/2/28
- دعوة كخبير من قبل مركز ابحاث الرميس لسلطنة عمان 1999
- دعوة كضيف محاضر في مؤتمر البايوتكنولوجي العالمي لجامعة البلقاء الاردنية عام 2002
النشاطات العلمية الاخرى:
- أجراء مقابلة علمية مع مجطة التلفزيون الكندية الرئيسية عن استخدامه البصمات الوراثية في تحديد صنف نباتي طبي عام 2001 والنبات هو الاكنيسيا
- محاضر في جامعة البرتا – كندا في موضوع الاصابات المايكويلازمية
- دعوة كاستاذ زائر الى جامعة كربلاء نهاية عام 2010
عضو جمعبة الاحياء المهنية في البرتا منذ –2006 كندا عضو جمعية الخدمات البيئية في البرتا – كندا
عضو جمعية ورشات الفيروسات العالمي سابقا عضو جمعية الامراض النباتية الامريكية سابقا
الاشتراك باكثر من30 دورة تدريبية علمية وادارية وبرامج
العضوية في الجمعيات العلمية:
Participated in a number of Computer حاسبات
Training Workshops in Canada
التدريبية والورشات الدورات Training Workshop and Courses :
A) Practical Scientific Trainings (workshops):
Impact of smoking on youth in Iraq, workshop April 20-21, 2012, Ministry of Environment, Baghdad, Iraq.
Desert storms and desertation in Iraq, workshop April 22-23, 2012, Ministry of Environment, Baghdad, Iraq.
Environmental Project Management, May 1-4, 2009, University of Alberta, Canada.
Environmental Impact Assessment, April 27-30, 2009, University of Alberta.
Remediation Technologies, April 2009, University of Alberta, Canada
Introduction to Using Groundwater Models Feb.11-12, 2009, Edmonton, Environmental Services Society of Alberta (ESSA).
Proteomic technology, presentations by number of molecular biologists from U.S., organized by Roch Molecular Biochemical Inc., September 22, 2002.
New PCR Fluorescent Thermocyling and Technique for RNA, by Roche Molecular Biochemical Inc., December 3, 1999.
Molecular and Genomic Techniques, American Psychopathological Society, Montreal, August 6, 1999.
Molecular Biology Techniques, an intensive practical two weeks workshop covering graduate courses PATH 547 (Techniques in Molecular Biology) and BOTA 545/FRST 509/PLNT 514 (Plant Genetic Engineering Laboratory) at the University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada, May 25-June 5, 1998.
Cultivation of Echinacea (a medicinal herb), Alberta Agr. Diversification Centre South, Brooks, August 10, 1997
Blackleg of Canola Diagnosis using monoclonal antibody-based immunoassay kit, Alberta Research Council, Vegreville, Alberta, June 25, 1997.
Production and application of monoclonal antibodies, Pharmacy Dept., University of Alberta, Edmonton. Canada, November 1995.
Detection of the inclusion bodies induced by virus infection in infected plant, Florida, U.S.A., Feb. 4-7, 1981.
ELISA technique, one-week lab practices, University of Alberta, November 1994.
B) Computer Courses:
Network and Internet Security, a diploma program, CDI College, Edmonton, AB, September 29, 2003-Sept. 2004.
Word 2000 level 2, one-day course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc., October 2001.
Word 2000, level 1, one-day course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc., October 2000.
Front Page, two days course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc., November 2000.
Power Point, Level 1, one day course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc. May10, 2000
Excel, level 1, one day course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc.,
Microsoft Office 97 level 1 (Jan. 1997) and level 2 (Dec. 1997), Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta.
C) Professional Trainings:
Micro-Business training course, School of Microbusiness, Edmonton, April 29-Oct. 21, 2007
First Aid training course by Red Cross, Alberta Research Council Inc., May 2002.
Coaching for commitment: a training course to improve coaching skill required to work with other to achieve high levels of performance and productivity. Alberta Research Council, Jan. 11, 2000.
First Aid training course St-Jhon’s Ambulance First Aid Level A CPR, Alberta
Research Council, Alberta, April 27-28, 1998.
Professional Selling Skills, Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, January 21- 23, 1998.
Biosafety and hazardous chemical, radioisotopes precautions (WHIMIS), Alberta Research Council, Vegreville, Alberta, Dec. 1996..
Publications: المنشورات العلمية
النشر في مجلات مقيمة رصينة اغلبها عالمية A)
In refereed & International Journals:
Alfarhan, M. and Khadhair, A. H. 2022. Study of the relationship and mortaliy rate and gender age factors associated with Covid19 Virus in Karbala, Iraq. Alkufa University Journal for Biology, Vol. 14, No.3, Online ISSN: 2311-6544, 2022
Bashi, A. M., Khudheyer, F. Y., Khadhair, A-H., Muffeis, T.G. 2015. Nanotube Structures by the Intercalation of 5-Flouro Cytosine with ZnO-layered Hydroxide Applied as Antifungal. J. Information and Applications 5:44-55.
Khadhair, A.-H., 2012. Environmental Site Assessment of Two Potentially Contaminated Sites in Alberta, Canada. Almustansrya J. Sciences 21(8):7-18.
Khadhair, A.-H., Deyholos, M. and Mirza, M. 2010. Incorporation of DNA fingerprinting and chemical analysis of active ingredients as reliable approach to identify Echinacea species. Proceeding 6th Annual Sci. Conferece of Kerbalaa University Journal 2010: 50-63.
Khadhair, A.-H., Hiruki, C. and Deyholos, M. 2008. Characterization of aster yellows phytoplasma associated with valerian and sowthistle based on PCR-RFLP analysis. Physiopathology J. 165: 326-331.
Chang, K.F., Hwang, S.F., Khadhair, A-H., Ahmed, H.U., Strelkov, S.E., Deyholos, M. and G.D. Turnbull. 2008. Molecular diversity of Ascochyta rabiei isolates from chickpea in Alberta, Canada. Plant Pathol. J. 7:20-26.
Chang, K, Hwang, S-F., Khadhair, A. H., Kawchuk, L and R. Howard, S. F. Blade. 2004. Aster yellows phytoplasma associated with chai hu plants in Canada. J. Plant Diseases and Protection 111: 218-224.
Chang, K, Hwang, S-F., Khadhair, A. H., Kawchuk, L and R. Howard. 2004.Detection and molecular characterization of an aster yellows phytoplasma in poker statice and Queen’s Anne’s lace in Alberta, Canada. Microbio. Research 159:43-50.
Wally, O., El Hadrami Khadhair, A.H., Adam, L., B. Elliott, B., Shinners-Carnelley,
T. and Daayf, F, 2008. DNA sequencing reveals false positives during the detection of aster yellows phytoplasmas in leafhoppers. Scientia Horticulturae 116 (2008) 130–137
Wally, O., Daayf, F, Khadhair, A.H., Adam, L., B. Elliott, B. and T. Shinners-Carnelley 2004. Incidence and molecular detection of yellows-type disease associated with carrot and leafhoppers in ٍ„ Southern Manitoba, Canada during 2001-2002, Can. J. Plant Pathol.26:498-505.
Khadhair, A.-H., Duplessis-McAllister, P., Ampong-Nyarko, K. and P. Bains. 2003. Transmission and characterization of phytoplasma diseases associated with infected potato cultivars in Alberta. Acta Hort. 619: 167-177
Khadhair, A. H., Evans, I.V., B. Chaban 2002. First record of characterization of aster yellows phytoplasma in garlic and green onion based on PCR and RFLP analysis. Microbiological Research 157: 161-167.
. Khadhair, A. H., Tewari, J. P., Howard, R. J. and V. H. Pau. 2001. Detection of aster yellows phytoplasma in false flax based on PCR and RFLP. Microbiological Research 156:179-184.
Khadhair, A. H. and I.R. Evans. 2000. Molecular and microscopical detection of aster yellows phytoplasma associated with infected parsnip. Microbiol. Res. 155, 53-57.
Khadhair, A. H.,A. McClay, S.-F. Hwang and S. Shah. 1999. Aster yellows phytoplasma identified in scentless chamomile by microscopical examination and molecular charcterization. Phytopath. J. 147 (3):149-154.
Al-momani, F., Khadhair, A.H and C. Hiruki. 2000. Microwave drying preserving phytoplasma infected plant tissue. Egypt. J. Soil Sci. 40: 13-19.
Khadhair, A. H., Kawchuk, L., Tailon, R. C. and G. Botar 1998. Detection and molecular characterization of an aster yellows phytoplasma in parsley. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 20:55-61.
Khadhair, A. H., S-F. Hwang, K. Chang and R. Howard 1997. Molecular identification of aster yellows phytoplasma in purple coneflower and monarda based on amplification and RFLP analyses of 16S rDNA sequences. J. Plant Dis. And Protection 104:403-410.
Khadhair, A. H., Hiruki, C. and S-F. Hwang. 1997. Molecular identification of alfalfa witches’-broom phytoplasma in four leafhopper species associated with infected alfalfa plants. Microbiol. Res. J. 152:269-275.
Khadhair, A. H., C. Hiruki and S-F. Hwang. 1997. Molecular identification and
relatedness of potato witches’-broom in four potato cultivars. Microbiol. Res. J. 152:281-286.
Khadhair, A. H. and C. Hiruki. 1995. The molecular genetic relatedness of willow witches'-broom phytoplasma to the clover proliferation group. Proc. Japan Acad. 71B:145-147.
Khadhair, A. H., Momani, F. and C. Hiruki. 1995. Molecular stability of clover proliferation phytoplasma DNA in periwinkle plant tissues after thermal treatment under microwave conditions. Proc. Japan Acad. 71B:265-268.
Wang, K., Zhong, Q., Khadhair, A., H. and C. Hiruki.1994. DNA amplification based on polymerase chain reaction for the sensitive detection of the mycoplasma-like organisms associated with paulownia witche's broom. Proc. Japan Acad. 70B:87-91
Khadhair, A. H. , Hussain, A. and Kamal, A. 1990. Effect of light on nodulatin of broadbean. Zanco J.2:21-26.
Khadhair, A.H. and Y. Ishak. 1990. Effect of some fungicides on the nodulations of broadbean. Zanco J. 3:15-19.
Khadhair, A. H. and N. A. Kassim. 1988. Effect of broadbean mottle virus on the nitrogen content in the leaves and nodulation in the broadbean plants. Iraqi J. of Agri. Sci. 4: 227-235.
Khadhair, A. H., R.C. Sinha, and J.F. Peterson. 1983. Effect of white clover mosaic virus infection on several aspects relevant to nitrogen fixation in red clover. Can. J. Bot. 62: 38-43.
Khadhair, A. H. and R. C. Sinha. 1982. Characteristics of an isolate of white clover mosaic virus prevalent in eastern Ontario. Can. Plant Dis. Surv. 62: 3-7.
B) كتاب في ومساهمة كتب تاليف Book and chapter published (authored)
Hiruki, C. and A. H. Khadhair. 1995. Willow witches'-broom phytoplasma as a member of the clover proliferation phytoplasma strain cluster. pp. 219-231. In
"Forest Trees Management and Protection". S. P. Raychaudhuri and K. Maramorosch (Eds.), Oxford and IBH Publ. Co.
Khadhair, A. H. 1987. General Plant Pathology. Textbook (in Arabic), Mosul University Press pp.327.
C) علمية مؤتمرات في مساهمات Presentationsins and participation in conferences
Khadhair, A.-H. 2019. Application of Cinnamon as Alternative Disinfectant for Fruits and Vegetables Than Using Chemical. Second International Conference of IbnHayan College University, March 22-23, 2019.
Khadhair, A.H. 2013. Iraqi Environmental: The Challenges and Ambition. Annual Scientific Meeting of Applied Medical College, Karbalaa University (Keynote Speaker). March 26,
Khadhair, A.H. 2013. Environmental Pollution in Iraq: Impact and Challenges. The Scientific Conference of Dentistry College, Almustansrya University (Keynote Speaker), April 1.
Khadhair, A.H. 2012. Environmental Pollution and Impact on Public Health. The Annual Scientific Conference of Pharmacy College, Baghdad University (Keynote Speaker), April 13.
Khadhair, A.H. 2012. Environmental Pollution in Iraq: Facts and Challenges. The fifth Annual Conference of Almustansrya University (Keynote Speaker). March 18
Khadhair, A.H. 2012. Environmental Site Assessment of Two Potentially Contaminated Sites in Alberta, Canada. The fifth Annual Conference of Almustansrya University
Khadhair, A.-H., Hiruki, C. and Deyholos, M. 2006. First record of molecular characterization of aster yellows phytoplasma associated with valerian and sowthistle in Canada. Canadian and American Phytopathological Society Joint Anuual Meeting, Quebec City, Jul. 29-Aug. 2, 2006.
Khadhair, A.-H., Deyholos, M., Mirza, M. 2005. Incorporation of molecular and chemical methodologies as a reliable approach for Echinacea species identification. Plant-Canada Meeting, Edmonton, June 10-14.
Khadhair, A.H., P. Duplessis McAllister, K. Ampong-Narko and P. Bains. 2002. potato phytoplasma in Alberta, Internat. Hort. Cong., Toronto, Aug. 11-18.
Khadhair, A.H., P. Duplessis McAllister, K. Ampong-Narko and P. Bains. 2001. Purple top and poato witche’s-broom phytoplasmas. Annual Meeting of Alberta Potato Growers Association, Banff, November 14.
Khadhair, A.H. 2002. Confusion between aster yellows and reddening in canola. Annual Industry Meeting on Canola, April 2002, ARC, Milwood.
Khadhair, A.H. and M. Mirza, 2000, Molecular genetic diversity between two medicinally important Echinacea species. International Conference on Biotechnology in Agriculture, Alsalt University, Jordan, Sept. 5-7.
Khadahair, A.-H., J. P. Tewari, I. R. Evans R. J. Howard and B. Choban. 2000. Molecular Diagnosis of Aster Yellows Phytoplasma in Garlic and Green Onion. 71st Annual Meeting of Can. Phytopathol. Society , Victoria, June 18-22.
Khadahair, A.-H. and I. Evan. 1999. Molecular characterization of aster yellows phytoplasma in parsnip. 70th Annual Meeting of Can. Phytopathol. Society jointly with APS, Montreal, August 7-11.
Khadahair, A.-H., J.P Tewari, R.J. Howard and B. Chaban. 1999. Association of aster yellows and witches'-broom phytoplasmas with several plant species in Alberta. 20th Annual Meeting of Plant pathology Society of Alberta, Jasper, Alberta Nov 8-10.
Khadhair, A. H. 1999. DNA fingerprinting: a reliable approach to differentiate between Echinacea species, a presentation of a research results in a two workshops on Echinacea, organized by Alberta Agriculture in Edmonton and St-Paul, Alberta, Canada, March 9 and 17, 1999.
Khadhair, A. H., M. Mirza, M. Younis, S. Blade and R. Howard. 1998. Molecular marker markers to identify two Echinacea species (E. angustifolia and E. pallida). The Annual Conference on Special Crops, Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 1998, Alberta, Canada.
Khadhair, A. H. 1997. First record of aster yellows phytoplasma on parsley in Canada, based on electron microscopy and molecular identification. 68th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Phytopathological Society, Winnipeg, July 1997.
Khadhair, A. H., Hwang, S-F., K. Chang and R. Howard. 1996. Molecular relatedness between two phytoplasma isolates in horsemint and purple coneflower plants. 17th. Annual Meeting of Plant Pathology Society of Alberta, Lacomb, Nov. 1996.
Wang, K., Khadhair, A. H., C. Hiruki, Han, S. and K. Jin. 1996. Genetic relatedness of phytoplasmas occuring in paulownia and jujube in Asia. 67th. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Phytopathological Society, June, Saskatchawan, Saskatoon.
Wang, K., Khadhair, A. H. and C. Hiruki. 1996. Molecular stability of genomic DNA of phytoplasma in the witches'-broom affected paulownia leaf tissues after microwave heat treatment. 67th. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Phytopathological Society, June, Saskatchwan, Saskatoon.
Hiruki, C., Hwang, S-F. and A. H. Khadhair. 1996. Molecular identification of four potato witches'-broom isolates on four potato cultivars in central Alberta. 67th. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Phytopathological Society, June, Saskatchwan, Saskatoon.
Khadhair, Hwang, S. F. and C. Hiruki. 1995. Molecular diagnosis of alfalfa witches'-broom phytoplasma in four leafhopper species. Proc. Plant Pathol. Soc. of Alberta, Sixteenth Annual Meeting, November, Lethibridge.
Khadhair, A. H. and C. Hiruki. 1995. A reliable method to extract DNA for phytoplasma genome analysis from tree leaves associated with a high concentration of polysaccharides. 6th. Annual Crop Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Meeting, Banff, Alberta, March 1995.
Wang, K., Khadhair, A. H. and C. Hiruki. 1995. Preservation of phytoplasma-infected paulownia tissues by quick drying with a microwave oven for molecular analysis. Proc. Plant Pathol. Soc. of Alberta, Sixteenth Annual Meeting, November,1995, Lethibridge.
Han, S. S., Ji, L., Khadhair, A. H., Hiruki, C., Yeo, W. H. and Y. H.Kim. 1995. Genetic differentiation revealed between two isolates of paulownia witches'-broom phytoplasma in Korea by RFLP analysis of a 16S rDNA sequence. Proc. Plant Pathol. Soc. of Alberta, Sixteenth Annual Meeting, November, Lethibridge.
Khadhair, A.H., Brezden, S., and C. Hiruki. 1995. Comparative tests of field soil samples for flame chlorosis and soil-borne fungi using Canadian wheat and barley cultivars as bait plants. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 17:291 (Abstract).
Hiruki, C., Khadhair, A.H., and M.H. Chen. 1995. Willow witches'- broom and chokecherry X-disease, a new record of tree phytoplasma diseases in western Canada.Can. J. Plant Pathol. 17:290 (Abstract).
Hiruki, C., Khadhair, A. H., Brezden, S and S. Haber. 1995. A preliminary report on the occurrence of flame chlorosis in spring wheat in southern Alberta. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 17:290 (Abstract).
Zhong, Q., Wang, K., Khadhair, A. H. and C. Hiruki. 1995. Genetic relaredness of mycoplasma-like organisms investigated by a DNA heteroduplex mobility assay. Can. Plant Pathol. 17:330 (Abstract).
Ceranic-Zagorac, P., Khadhair, A. H. and C. Hiruki. 1994. The maintenancce of pathogenic phytoplasma isolates by tissue culture. Porch. of Plant Pathology Society of Alberta, Fifteenth Annual Meeting.
Khadhair, A. H., A. L. Shawkat, and K. Hassan.1989. Reducing the infection of watermelon mosaic virus on squash plants by using mineral oils. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 11:192 (Abst.).
Khadhair, A. H. and I. K. Ibrahim 1989. Effect watermelon mosaic virus infection on the uptake of the nitrogen and phosphorous in squash plants.Annual meeting of the plant diseases in Egypt.
Khadhair, A. H. and J. F. Peterson. 1978. Characterization of an isolate of cucumber mosaic virus. Phytoprotection Annual Meeting of Quebec society.
Other Training courses and workshops Practical Scientific Trainings (workshops):
Impact of smoking on youth in Iraq, workshop April 20-21, 2012, Ministry of Environment, Baghdad, Iraq.
Desert storms and desertation in Iraq, workshop April 22-23, 2012, Ministry of Environment, Baghdad, Iraq.
Various Environmental-related courses are listed in the first page of this resume.
Proteomic technology, presentations by number of molecular biologists from U.S., organized by Roch Molecular Biochemical Inc., September 22, 2002.
New PCR Fluorescent Thermocyling and Technique for RNA, by Roche Molecular Biochemical Inc., December 3, 1999.
Molecular and Genomic Techniques, American Psychopathological Society, Montreal, August 6, 1999.
Molecular Biology Techniques, an intensive practical two weeks workshop covering graduate courses PATH
547 (Techniques in Molecular Biology) and BOTA 545/FRST 509/PLNT 514 (Plant Genetic Engineering Laboratory) at the University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada, May 25-June 5, 1998.
Cultivation of Echinacea (a medicinal herb), Alberta Agr. Diversification Centre South, Brooks, August 10, 1997
Blackleg of Canola Diagnosis using monoclonal antibody- based immunoassay kit, Alberta Research Council, Vegreville, Alberta, June 25, 1997.
Production and application of monoclonal antibodies, Pharmacy Dept., University of Alberta, Edmonton. Canada, November 1995.
Detection of the inclusion bodies induced by virus infection in infected plant, Florida, U.S.A., Feb. 4-7, 1981.
ELISA technique, one-week lab practices, University of Alberta, November 1994.
Computer Courses:
Network and Internet Security, a diploma program, CDI College, Edmonton, AB, September 29, 2003-Sept. 2004.
Word 2000 level 2, one-day course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc., October 2001.
Word 2000, level 1, one-day course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc., October 2000.
Front Page, two days course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc., November 2000.
Power Point, Level 1, one day course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc. May10, 2000
Excel, level 1, one day course with certificate, Alberta Research Council Inc.,
Microsoft Office 97 level 1 (Jan. 1997) and level 2 (Dec. 1997), Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta.
Professional Trainings:
Micro-Business training course, School of Microbusiness, Edmonton, April 29-Oct. 21, 2007
First Aid training course by Red Cross, Alberta Research Council Inc., May 2002.
Coaching for commitment: a training course to improve coaching skill required to work with other to achieve high levels of
performance and productivity. Alberta Research Council, Jan. 11, 2000.
Professional Selling Skills, Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, January 21-23, 1998.
Biosafety and hazardous chemical, radioisotopes precautions (WHIMIS), Alberta Research Council, Vegreville, Alberta, Dec. 1996.
Membership of professional organizations and societies
Member of Alberta Society of Professional Biologists.
Member of Environmental Services Society of Alberta (ESSA).
Member of CANADEM for the international and humanitarian observers
Member Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO).