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Prof. Dr. Basim mh Zwain

  • Qualifications:
  • Speciality:
  • Scientific Title:
  • CV:
  • PhD
  • Dentistry
  • Prof. Dr

Scientific qualifications:

  1. B.D.S (Baghdad)
  2. M.Sc. Physiol. (Kufa)
  3. Ph.D. Physiol. (Al-Mustansiriya)


  1. Trained for 18 months (from 1/8/1989 to 10/1/1991) in Dept. of Prosthodontics-College of Dentistry-University of Baghdad. .
  2. Trained for 18 months (two periods: from 10/1/1991 to 19/5/1991 and from 7/11/1991 to 10/10/1992) in Dept. of Anatomy and Histology - College of Medicine-University of Kufa.
  3. Trained for 6 months (from 19/5/1991 to 7/11/1991) in Dept. of Laboratory investigations-Technical Institute of Kufa. .

Researches :

  1. Spirometric measurements in health and disease (1996). M.Sc.thesis submitted to the College of Medicine, University of Kufa.
  2. Lung function test in Kufa cement factory (1998). Al-Kufa Journal 2 (1): 31-34.
  3. Effects of changing of posture on lung function tests (1998). Al-Kufa Journal 2 (1): 53-55.
  4. Spirometric measurements in health and disease (1999). Al-Kufa Journal 3 (1): 26-37.
  5. Effect of beta blocker on respiratory function in hypertensive cement workers in Kufa cement factory. J. Fac. Med. Baghdad 42 (2): 159-165.
  6. Spirometric measurements in Arab, Kurd and Turkoman ethnic groups in Kirkuk (2006). Kufa Med. J. 9(2):256-264.
  7. Spirometric measurements in Iraqi children 6-14 years old in Najaf Governorate (2006). Al-Kufa Journal 7(1):141-4.
  8. Spirometric measurements in residents around ancient brick factories near Kefel town (2008). Journal of Karbala University 6(4): 21-28.
  9. Effects of vitamin D3 supplementation on lung function of healthy non-smoking young Iraqi subjects (2013). Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences (accepted 28/2/13)
  10. Hayder Abdul- Amir Maki Al-hindy ASAM, Basim MH Zwain. Decayed, Missed, Filled Teeth Scores in Iraqi Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarctio. Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology. 2016;8(3):7.
  11. Hayder Abdul- Amir Maki Al-hindi SFA-S, Basim MH Zwain, Thekra Abid Al-Kashwan Jaber Relationship of Salivary & Plasma Troponin Levels of Patients with AMI in Merjan medical city of Babylon Province: Cross-Sectional Clinical Stud. Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology. 2016;8 (3):6.
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